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 Windows Vortex Vista 2007

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد الرسائل : 168
العمر : 40
الموقع : www.evoolution.hooxs.com
تاريخ التسجيل : 31/01/2008

Evoolution Evoolution: 1

Windows Vortex Vista 2007 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Windows Vortex Vista 2007   Windows Vortex Vista 2007 Icon_minitimeالخميس أبريل 03, 2008 11:18 pm

Windows Vortex Vista 2007 4d1s6z10INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS

1. Unrar all files once downloaded you will have one ISO file
2. Open your favourite burning programme....Nero,AShampoo ect
3. Choose option to burn IMAGE to CDR then locate the VORTEX ISO file
4. For error Free installation BURN at X8
5. Once the burn is complete reboot pc go into BIOS settings and change to boot from CDROM
6. Put your CDR in PC and reboot and follow the on screen insrtuctions
7. DO NOT PM me with any questions because everything is here you need to know this has been TESTED by me and 100% WORKS

Vortex Vista Graphics:
* This version of Vortex Vista will change windows xp appearance to windows vista.
so it will change setup screen,boot screen,login screen,activation screen,defualt theme,
wallpapers, icons, screen.
savers,sounds and appearance settings these changes are built-in
changes so you will not be able to restore windows xp graphics.

VORTEX® Vista built-in software:
* Windows Media Player 11
* DivX,K-Lite Codec Pack
* Real Alternative
* Winamp 5
* Fix for MPEG4 videos in Windows Media Player
* MSN Messenger 8
* Yahoo Messenger 8
* Internet Explorer 7 Final
* Winrar 3.6
* ACDsee 8
* MSJava
* Ultreiso

Extra features in control panel:
* Bootvis CPL
* ClearType CPL
* CPU-Z 1.37 CPL
* DirectX CPL
* Hoster 3.5 CPL
* MemTest v3.4 CPL
* Microsoft AutoPlay Repair Wizard CPL
* Microsoft TimeZone CPL (Needs .net framework )
* MSI CleanUp Utility 4.4
* New MSConfig CPL
* Regedit CPL
* SafeXP CPL
* Startup CPL
* Services and Devices CPL
* TweakUI CPL
* Windows Task Manager CPL
* WinUpdatesList CPL
* User Accounts 2 CPL
Total Size: 700MB
No High performence computers needed!

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Windows Vortex Vista 2007
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